Mesh Generation Based on Curve Network of Force Flow

Mesh Generation Based on Curve Network of Force Flow

This design interface allows the generation of mesh faces based on intersecting curves. This approach enables designers to take advantage of stress line analysis to inform the structural design of rib-based geometries by enabling the automatic generation of meshes from the intersection of curve networks (stress lines). This approach resolves common problems associated with stress lines resulting from structural analysis software, such as discontinuities, undesirable overlap, and intersection (left, a). The generation of a clean mesh from the stress line network provides usable structural patterns for the design of rib layouts. The method involves 1) Automatically cleaning the given curve network and 2) generating and cleaning the mesh. In this approach, mesh construction uses an efficient planar graph generation method based on half-edge data structures. 



Prof. Dr. Mania Aghaei Meibodi